As usual my Saturdays are usually uneventful. Me and my family are either here at home or spending time at my grandmother's house, which is where we almost always spend one day out of the weekend, because that is usually the only time out of the week my father usually gets to see his mother because of his hectic work schedule. But today we are spending the day here at home, my father is resting in the living room with his foot up watching a movie. He had a little procedure done this morning on his foot, and as a diabetic, my mother, brother, and I were concerned when he sprouted a soft bump that resembles a blister on the side of his foot. The doctor took it off this morning and my father is doing fine he just needs to stay off of it for a while. I am glad we stayed home today anyway because I have time to write on here =D I am feeling a bit lucky as well. I took my mother to Valero and she bought me a scratch off lol now I'm usually never a winner at those things but today I won four dollars from a dollar scratch off! lol I'm my book thats pretty damn lucky and because of that my mood is a little hyper and excited!
Now I've just finished reading A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks and I know that its not that new of a book but I just bought it recently at an estate sale and I absolutely loved it. So I am going to write my feelings about it whether you like it or not :-) During the beginning of the book my thoughts about Landon weren't very good. He seemed like just the typical dumb teenage boy we all know, letting his friends decide how he should react and feel to certain things. I do have to admit the book was a little predictable. And I didn't appreciate that Landon had to see Jaime as "pretty" on the outside before he could fall in love with her inside and out. This story also hit very close to home with me because I had a very close cousin go through the same things that come along with going through that disease. I cannot say she found a love as Jaime did even though I wish with all my heart that she could have. I thought it was funny how I knew what Landon was meant to do, what his heart needed him to do, before he even knew it. I enjoyed reading this book, I laughed along with the characters and cried along with them as well. Something else also struck me, I'm not a Baptist like Landon and Jaime are but I have many many books, as anyone who knows me can tell you, but I feel like the most important one to read I have not. I am a Catholic and not a devout one but I go to church once in a while, say a rosary every now and then, and I pray but not as much as I should. However, there is still one thing I have never done, which is read the bible. I get so wrapped up in any book that I read and my heart goes into the characters many times having me wish I could actually be there or even be the character sometimes but I cannot bring myself to read the bible. In my heart I feel unworthy, I guess. It feels as if someone like me doesn't deserve to experience the sacred words on the pages of that sacred book. One day I hope to turn that around but reading A Walk to Remember had me admiring Jaime the whole time as she walked around with her bible in hand.
Jessie D
The Shelter of God's Promises
*The Shelter of God's Promises* by Sheila Walsh is one of the most
inspiring and encouraging Christian books I have read in several years. I
have always b...
14 years ago
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